Meeting Bingo: How to Survive Your Next Conference Call

Oh, the endless conference call. You know the drill: the first few minutes spent waiting for “everyone to join,” then the parade of classic phrases like “Let’s circle back” and “Can everyone see my screen?” But instead of simply enduring the marathon of meetings, why not have a little fun with it? Enter Meeting Bingo: the ultimate game to keep you sharp and entertained during your next call.

Here’s your playful guide to surviving your next meeting with a classic bingo card of typical meeting lingo and scenarios. Because if you’re going to sit through an hour of “thought leadership” and “low-hanging fruit,” you might as well try to win something.

How to Play Meeting Bingo

  1. Print or Screenshot Your Bingo Card: You can create your own or use our classic card below. Keep it handy on your desk or minimize it on your screen.
  2. Mark Each Square as You Hear It: Every time someone drops a classic line like “touch base” or “on my radar,” mark off the square. It’s amazing how fast your card will fill up!
  3. Get 5 in a Row to Win: Complete a line horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. Call “Bingo!” (or silently celebrate if you don’t want to blow your cover) once you’ve marked off a full row.
  4. Enjoy the Game, and Remember to Mute Yourself: You’ll likely have to stifle a few laughs, so remember to keep your mic muted and your poker face on!

The Classic Meeting Bingo Card

Here’s your go-to card with all the familiar phrases and scenarios. Feel free to customize it to fit your office’s unique jargon!

“Can everyone see my screen?”“Let’s circle back”“Just to piggyback on that…”Someone’s on mute and doesn’t realize it“We need to be agile”
“Low-hanging fruit”“Take this offline”Awkward Silence“Think outside the box”“I’ll follow up with an email”
“Bandwidth”“That’s on my radar”FREE SPACE“Quick question”“Does everyone agree?”
“Align on this”“Lessons learned”“At the end of the day…”“Can you repeat that?”“Thought leader”
“Win-win”“Let’s pivot”“We need a deep dive”“Synergy”“Just to clarify…”


Breaking Down the Bingo Squares

“Can everyone see my screen?”
This classic line is the unofficial kick-off for most conference calls, closely followed by a flurry of “Yes, but I still see the intro slide.”

“Let’s circle back”
A conference call staple. If the topic’s a bit too complicated (or if no one really wants to talk about it right now), expect a “circle back” suggestion to push it to another day.

“Just to piggyback on that…”
Perfect for when someone wants to add to a point but also low-key make it all about their own idea. If you hear this one, mark your square.

Someone’s on mute and doesn’t realize it
The MVP of meeting moments. This one’s a free square if you’re playing with your team regularly—guaranteed to happen at least once per call.

“We need to be agile”
Whether you’re actually in tech or just brainstorming new ways to sell office supplies, “being agile” is a universally appreciated business buzzword. Check that box!

“Low-hanging fruit”
A real “fruit salad” of a phrase. It basically means “let’s do the easiest thing first.” It’s a true bingo classic that’s always ripe for picking.

“Take this offline”
Usually said when a topic is a bit too complex or off-topic. If you’re wondering, “Wait, isn’t this what we’re here to talk about?”—congratulations, you’re on the right track.

Awkward silence
Self-explanatory. Bonus points if the silence is so long that someone eventually coughs or makes a comment about “everyone thinking really hard.”

“Think outside the box”
An office favorite for encouraging creative ideas (or politely hinting that someone’s current idea is inside the box). It’s a throwback, but you’ll still hear it in every meeting.

“I’ll follow up with an email”
The go-to phrase when someone wants to wrap things up without actually discussing them. You can count on this one showing up, especially near the end of the call.

Sometimes a polite way of saying “I’m too busy for this,” or just a fancy way of saying “availability.” Keep an ear out for this one if the call is getting crowded with tasks.

“That’s on my radar”
Not quite a commitment, but an acknowledgment. If someone says this, it’s probably not getting done anytime soon.

Consider this your reward for sitting through the first 15 minutes of the call. Enjoy it!

“Quick question”
Spoiler: It’s usually not a quick question. But if someone says it, you’re one square closer to bingo.

“Does everyone agree?”
A loaded question—if you answer “no,” prepare for an awkward silence. This usually signals that someone’s trying to speed things along, so be ready to agree and move on.

“Align on this”
Fancy corporate speak for “let’s make sure we’re all on the same page.” It’s also a subtle way of asking if anyone’s actually paying attention.

“Lessons learned”
The post-mortem go-to. Expect this phrase if things haven’t gone as planned or if it’s a monthly recap meeting. It’s basically the “mistakes were made” of office speak.

“At the end of the day…”
If someone starts with “at the end of the day,” be ready for a philosophical nugget of wisdom. They’re about to break it down in the simplest terms possible—prepare to agree.

“Can you repeat that?”
Usually happens right after you’ve explained something for five minutes straight. But hey, it’s good for your Bingo card, so who’s complaining?

“Thought leader”
Technically, it just means someone with expertise, but the way it’s used in meetings, you’d think we’re naming superheroes. If you hear it, enjoy a little internal eye roll and check that box.

A classic phrase that everyone uses but no one really questions. It’s a feel-good filler phrase that makes everyone nod. Mark that box!

“Let’s pivot”
The corporate equivalent of “let’s just change direction entirely.” This phrase often signifies a complete overhaul or a big shift in strategy.

“We need a deep dive”
Used to suggest more detailed research without committing to who will actually do it. If you’re a research buff, be careful—you might just get voluntold.

Is there any word more quintessentially “corporate”? No meeting is complete without a mention of the magical synergy everyone’s striving for.

“Just to clarify…”
Usually a polite way of saying “I didn’t quite get that.” Expect to hear this one multiple times in any meeting with complex ideas on the table.

How to Play (and Keep a Straight Face)

Now that you’ve got your Meeting Bingo card and a breakdown of all the classic phrases, you’re ready to play. The key to a good game of Meeting Bingo is discretion. Try to keep a poker face as you mentally mark off squares, and feel free to add your own office’s favorite phrases for extra fun.

In the end, Meeting Bingo isn’t just a way to survive those long calls—it’s a celebration of the unique language of corporate life, one “synergy” at a time. So go ahead, print that card, keep it by your side, and remember to celebrate your win (quietly) when you get Bingo. Happy meeting!

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